Продукт Id: 41
[product_id] => 41
[name] => iMac
[description] => <div>
Just when you thought iMac had everything, now there´s even more. More powerful Intel Core 2 Duo processors. And more memory standard. Combine this with Mac OS X Leopard and iLife ´08, and it´s more all-in-one than ever. iMac packs amazing performance into a stunningly slim space.</div>
[meta_title] => iMac
[meta_description] =>
[meta_keyword] =>
[tag] =>
[model] => Product 14
[sku] =>
[upc] =>
[ean] =>
[jan] =>
[isbn] =>
[mpn] =>
[location] =>
[quantity] => 958
[shipping] => 1
[manu_image] => catalog/demo/apple_logo.jpg
[stock_status] => Out Of Stock
[image] => catalog/demo/imac_1.jpg
[manufacturer_id] => 8
[manufacturer] => Apple
[price] => 100.0000
[special] =>
[reward] => 0
[points] => 0
[tax_class_id] => 9
[date_available] => 2009-02-03
[weight] => 5.00000000
[weight_class_id] => 1
[length] => 0.00000000
[width] => 0.00000000
[height] => 0.00000000
[length_class_id] => 1
[subtract] => 1
[rating] => 0
[reviews] => 0
[minimum] => 1
[sort_order] => 0
[status] => 1
[date_added] => 2009-02-03 21:07:26
[date_modified] => 2011-09-30 01:06:44
[viewed] => 2376